Featured Harmony Change Simulator
Project Portfolio Digital Twin
Can you get this factory to make a profit?
In real life, it is easy to make mistakes in any business when deciding what target to commit to and what rules to use to maximize its performance.
With the Goldratt Dice Game Simulation, you can discover:
- Why we often over-commit and under-deliver?
- How simple but VERY counter-intuitive rules can help make much more reliable commitments AND dramatically increase the throughput of any system.

From $4.99 per month

From $4.99 per month
Can you reduce maintenance delays & costs?
In most maintenance depots, it is common that turn-around times are longer than promised and costs are higher than quoted.
With the Maintenance Depot Simulation, you can discover:
- Why we often over-commit and under-deliver? and
- Discover how much a maintenance depot can improve by implementing Theory of Constraints best practices in the depot and with suppliers.
Should you use Min-Max, TOC, or DDMRP?
In Distribution Centers and retail shops, it is common to have both shortages AND surpluses, which can negatively impact their profitability and ROI.
With the Inventory Digital Twin, you can discover:
- Why traditional Inventory Management rules cause avoidable shortages and surpluses.
- Discover how much better a DC or Shop can do, both operationally and financially, if they implement adaptive demand-driven inventory management rules of Theory of Constraints or DDMRP.

Custom Pricing

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Should you use Traditional or Demand-Driven Rules in managing a Supply Chain?
In complex Supply Chains, traditional Inventory Management Rules such as Min-Max can cause avoidable shortages and surpluses and harm profitability and ROI.
With our Supply Chain Digital Twin, you can discover:
- How much better your supply chain can do by implementing TOC or DDMRP best practices?
- Identify which parameter settings for these best practices to use for each product location to achieve the best outcome.
Should you Multitask or Single Task?
In real life, we often feel pressured to Multitask – to constantly switch not only between tasks before we completed the previous task but also between projects.
With the Goldratt Multitasking Challenge, you can discover:
- Why, by Multi-tasking, will you not be able to achieve planned commitments? and
- Why, by Single-Tasking, you can do much better – get more projects done, faster at a lower cost, and with better quality (fewer quality mistakes)

From $4.99 per month

From $4.99 per month
Can you prevent avoidable work delays?
Commonly, projects are late and/or over budget. But is it because of the complexity and uncertainty in projects, or are you simply using local optima rules?
With the Work-Flow Simulation, you can discover:
- Why using traditional Project Management Planning & Execution rules we often over-commit and under-deliver and
- How much better you can do by implementing Critical Chain and Agile best practices.
Will your projects be on-time & budget?
It can be challenging to predict whether your Portfolio of Programs and Projects will be delivered on-time and on-budget as most Planning tools ignore task duration variability and critical interdependencies.
With the Program Portfolio Digital Twin, you can discover:
- What the likely operational and financial outcomes will be if you executed your portfolio to the existing plan using Waterfall methods.
- How much better you can do by implementing Critical Chain and Agile best practices.

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From $4.99 per month
Can you prevent a Traffic jam?
In most cities, traffic jams during peak hours are common and cause frustration and embarrassment when drivers arrive late, and it has a massive cost to the economy.
With the Traffic Flow Simulation, you can discover:
- Why Traffic Jams happen when we do not control the flow of traffic onto freeways and
- How we can not only avoid traffic jams but significantly reduce the travel time of vehicles applying best practices from Theory of Constraints to manage traffic flows at intersections.
Can you prevent the rapid spread of Covid19?
With Covid19, organizations are under pressure to adjust how workers move around and have desk separators to maintain social distance and ensure compliance to wearing face masks.
With the Covid19 Simulation, you can discover:
- How much faster Covid19 will spread if social distance and face masks are not enforced and
- What the best strategy would be to reduce or even prevent the spread of Covid19 in the workplace.

From $4.99 per month

From $4.99 per month
Can you reduce the Growing Wealth Gap?
Despite significant efforts to reduce discrimination to equal the playing field in most economies today, the gap between the ultra-rich and ultra-poor is not just huge but growing.
With the Wealth Challenge Simulation, you can discover:
- Why the wealth gap is so large and will continue to grow (is it bad decisions or bad luck by the poor) and
- Test various strategies like a Wealth Tax focused on supporting the poor to prevent them from becoming ultra-poor
Should the Mine use a Push or Pull strategy?
In a complex mining operation, how do you decide what Throughput target to commit to and what would be the best way to reliably achieve this target at the lowest cost?
With the Mining Supply Chain Challenge, you can discover:
- Why mining supply chains often under-perform? and
- Whether a PUSH or PULL strategy is the best to maximize Throughput with the lowest cost and investment.

From $8.33 per month

Custom pricing
Will the mine have enough production time and capacity?
It can be challenging to predict whether a mine will have enough production time and capacity as most Planning tools ignore task duration variability and critical interdependencies.
With the Mine Digital Twin, you can discover:
- What the likely production capacity will be and whether the mine plan is feasible.
- How much better you can do by implementing operational improvements and quantifying return on investment.
Field Reports
Hundreds of people have greatly benefited from using our Harmony Change Simulators! Here are a few of them.
Additional Resources
Case Study Articles
Demonstration Videos
Goldratt’s Dice Game Demo
Project Portfolio Digital Twin Demo
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Harmony Change Simulators Pricing
Harmony Change Simulator | Quarterly | Annually | Lifetime | |
Traffic Simulation | $19.97 | $39.97 | $79.97 | |
Wealth Gap Challenge | $19.97 | $39.97 | $79.97 | |
Multitasking Challenge | $19.97 | $39.97 | $79.97 | |
Goldratt's Dice Game | $29.97 | $69.97 | $149.97 | |
Inventory Digital Twin | Custom Pricing | |||
Project Portfolio Digital Twin | Custom Pricing | |||
Supply Chain Digital Twin | Custom Pricing | |||
Mine Digital Twin | Custom Pricing | |||
Mining Supply Chain Challenge | Contact Us | |||
Maintenance Depot Simulation | Contact Us | |||
Covid-19 Digital Twin |
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Work-Flow Simulation |
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